Saturday, December 26, 2009

Does an exfoliating face wash removes acne scars and light pigmentation?

if then, suggest any product that is worth using it. kinda cheap maybe hahaha|||No, it will not. Do an ANSWERS search and you will get confirmation of that. One of the most effective treatments to quickly, safely and permanently get rid of both is to rub the areas over and over many times(learned this from ancient great grandparents - didn%26#039;t listen and tried everything else then finally tried with amazing success). Do with the aid of an natural oil. I like olive but any will do. Olive has proved to be beneficial for use on oily, acne prone skins. Confirm with a Google search. It is best to do daily for 20 minutes (or even more) for fastest results. Best to use finger tips and front and sides of all fingers using a forward and back motion. Circular motion is not effective. Within 2 or 3 days you will see them fading, over a period of weeks they will completely fade. Try it, you will be happy that you did. If need more info please email.|||After being acne-free most of my life, suddenly I found myself with a really (really) bad case of adult onset acne. I%26#039;m currently under a dermatologist%26#039;s care to get things under control. Meanwhile, I%26#039;m using a product called ACNEXUS once a day (after washing with a cleanser), and it is helping tremendously! Even the areas where I didn%26#039;t have acne are looking better!

Acnexus isn%26#039;t the cheapest stuff around, but it%26#039;s also not the most expensive, and it%26#039;s absolutely worth it! I%26#039;ve only found it on the net, though.

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